Favorite Quotes
Quote of the Day
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~ A Proverbial trip around the world proverbial trip around the world:
~"With a long held breath given dark freedom..." ~ English Proverb
~Better be ill spoken of by one before all than by all before one.~~ Scottish Proverb
~Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.~~ Chinese Proverb
~Don't be too sweet lest you be eaten up; don't be too bitter lest you be spewed out.~~ Jewish Proverb
~Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.~~ English Proverb
~Below the navel there is neither religion nor truth.~~ Italian Proverb
~Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.~~ Chinese Proverb
~Be on your guard against a silent dog and still water.~~ Latin Proverb
~Fear not a jest. If one throws salt at you, you will not be harmed unless you have sore places.~~ Latin Proverb
~He who puts up with insult invites injury.~~ Jewish Proverb
~After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.~~ Italian Proverb.
~ Healing/ Pain - "He who delivers the wound is the only
one who can heal it" --Holy Grail -
~ Immortality - "Millions long for immortality who do not know
what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." - Susan Ertz,
American author (1894-1985).
~ Integrity - " " if you have integrity, nothing else
matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters." -Alan
Simpson -
~ Journey -"Sometime in your life you will go on a journey.
It will be the longest journey you have ever taken. It is the journey to
find yourself." --Katherine Sharp- ~The journey "It is good to have
an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
~~Ursula K. LeGuin -
~ Justice - Grabbing a bullhorn, Bush told the chanting,
cheering crowd, "I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the
people who knocked down these buildings will hear all of us soon." -GW
~ Kindness / Attitude - Be kind when others are rude. It
isn't between us and them "anyway". Silently stand up, face another person,
look them in the eye and tell them you love them. It isn't about.winning,
it is about finding someone 'real' inside of me. - Patch Adams ~
~ Knowledge - Learn, then Teach - Barbara Smith
~Our women are among the best educated and the best trained. We encourage
all of your to keep abrest of the times, to be familiar with current events,
to be able to read the signs fo the times to be prepared - Spencer w.
Kimball ~The responsibility to learn has greater significance
for women today than ever before. - G Homer Durham ~No
matter where we begin, if we pursue knowledge diligently and honestly,
our quest will ineitably lead from the things of earth to the things of
heaven. - Hugh Nibley ~ Through knowledge comes understanding~
Darryl Hoole ~"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions." -Naguib, Mahfouz
~ Listening
~ Marriage - The bonds of matrimony aren't worth much unless
the interest is kept up. Cited in Even More of...The Best of BITS &
~ Mercy - How complete, Redemption's grand design, where
justice, Love and Mercy meet, In harmony Divine..." Eliza R. Snow
~ Morality - Confusing monogamy with morality has done more
to destroy the conscience of the human race than any other error..." George
Bernard Shaw
~ Motivation - "Most quoted speaker in America" From Idaho...
"The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure"-Jim Rohn - "Time
is more valuable than money " Jim Rohn - "Someone else's point of
view can be very important, it adds a bit of insight, light" Jim Rohn
- "In the beginning there was darkness, God's words were 'Let there
be light _ and there was. " We too can give light in the darkness. Jim
Rohn - "There is usually about 1/2 dozen things that makes 80% of the
difference" Jim Rohn -
~ One -"Male is one form of phenomena, and female is a second
form of phenomena; in union they are together a third form of phenomena.
But, paradoxically, that third phenomena - Life - is in fact a unity, of
which male and female are merely component halves. Stated simply: The universe
is the Two that become Three, that is truly only One." - Jonathon
Earl Bowswer
~ Painting - "For me a picture must be pretty thing, yes, pretty." · Son of a poor tailor, saved his money and went to art school. · "Life is a perpetual holiday, " " picture must be an amiable thing, joyous and pretty, there are enough troublesome things in life without inventing others. -Renoir
~ People - - "Most people are other people - their thoughts
are someone else's opinions, Their lives a mimicry, Their passions a quotation."
Oscar Wilde. One resists temptation only to have the heart grow
sick with longing. ~Oscar Wilde.~ *^*^*^*^* A city is a large community
where people are lonesome together. ~Herbert Prochnow *^*^*^*^*
"People come into your life for a reason - a season or a lifetime" - Melissa
~ Poetry ---<--{@ As Karl Shapiro once said, "poetry
is not a way of saying things; it's a way of seeing things. ~ Poetry
- Aristotle - the poet's job "It is also clear that the poet's
job is not to report what has happened, but what is likely to happen: that
is, what is capable of happening according to the laws of probability and
necessity . . . the historian talks of what has happened, the poet
of the kind of thing that can happen." - Aristotle, The Poetics, Book
IX, translation Gerald Else. ~ Eric Samuelsen
~ Prophets -~ On Prophets integrity The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty. ( WILFORD WOODRUFF - Sixty-first Semiannual General Conference of the Church, Monday, October 6, 1890, Salt Lake City, Utah. Reported in Deseret Evening News, October 11, 1890, p. 2.)
~ Quotes -Might be mine, or might be from somewhere else. Just things I always say ~
~"Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results" -
~Character creates by commemoraiting memories of value-
~Symbols have no more meaning than what we give them. - Heard in a talk somewhere
~Integrity - They who clean up their own messes. Those who take respoinsibility for their actions doing what is right regardless of circumstances. -
~Two kinds of Service - 1 Cajoled to serve/ 2. Here I am, send me because I care.
~"Father forgive us, for we do not what we know" - heard in a talk
~ Quoting ~ "To quote copiously and well, requires taste,
judgement, and erudition, a feeling for the beautiful, an appreciation
of the noble, and a sense of the profound. " C. Nestell Boves
~ Reading -"I suggest that the only books that influence us
are those for which we are ready, and which have gone a little further
down our particular path than we have gone ourselves." -E. M. Forster,
on Reading
~ Reflection "The unexamined life is not worth living." -Socrates,
on Reflection
~ Scores ~Scores are interesting things. Just when you know
one, it changes. ~ EWD -Wolf Shadow
~ Seven Deadly Sins - Wealth without work. Pleasure without
conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science
without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principles.
Seven Deadly Sins - Ghandi
~ Talents -It does not matter how many talents we have, what
matters is how we use them. -Paul H. Dunn
~ Thoughts - Misc - Find Author
To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, use your heart.
Anger is only one letter short of danger. If someone betrays you once, it is his fault; If he betrays you twice, it is your fault
Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
He who loses money, loses much; He, who loses a friend, loses much more; He, who loses faith, loses all.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, But beautiful old people are works of art.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.
When you start to dream in detail, it becomes planning.
Be content with little, but wish for more.
Only wise people know when to say; I don't know.
A sharp mind and a sharp tongue seldom go together.
You are poor when your only wealth is money.
One way to make money is to stop wasting it.
Pay less attention to what people say and more attention to what they do.
To share with a friend is to see twice the beauty.
It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all of the answers.
Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them as much!
"When promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating your superficial sentamentalities, beware of thesbian bombast and asinine affectations"
A touch of difficulty gives a little muscle to life -- provied we have the backbone to meet it.
We often hear there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. What we rarely hear is how few find it. The rainbow is ours for the seeing, but the gold - is ours only through quest.
I like the fiction; I love the facts; I value both, but not as equals.
~ Wisdom/ Riches - D&C 6:7, 11:7 Seek not for riches but
for wisdom, and behold the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto you
and then shall you be made rich. behold he that hath eternal life is right.
D&C 6:7, 11:7 ~ A word to the wise is unnecessary. ~La
Rouchefoucauld~ *^*^*^*^*
~ Words - James Joyce ` `Why is it that words like these seem
to me so dull and cold? Is it because there is no word tender enough to
be your name?" ~ The Dead ~ "Words are, of course, the most powerful
drug used by mankind." -Rudyard Kipling, on Language
~"A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought
of." * Burt Bacharach (b. 1929) U.S. composer
~ Writing/Language-
My Quotes:
**My Quotes**
Marsha Steed
1 - The only thing that separates the winners from the losers in life . . .
is the final score. - M Steed
2 - Search for the innocence in the crazy things I do and I'll remember the
innocence in you. ---<--{© M Steed
3 - Beware of burying yourself in 'Busy'. - ---<--{© M Steed
4 - People talk about things until they don't need to talk about them anymore.
- ---<--{© M Steed
5 - It is a beautiful thing, not to be forgotten... but exquisite pleasure to
be remembered. - ---<--{© M Steed
6 - I have no grand illusions as to my worth to others. . . only in the grand
scheme of things am I intrinsic to the heartbeat of the universe. ---<--{©
M Steed
7 - "Do unto others, doesn't mean... Do to others what they have done to
---<--{© M Steed
8 - "I want someone, with Scintillating conversation; dashing good looks;
A heart of gold; benevolence and a bag of money. I'm easy to please."---<--{©
M Steed
9 - "When there are heroes to come to aid, the weak breathe sighs of long
oppression, the fair maidens blush and the timid are protected. . . " ---<--{©
M Steed
10 - ~Intelligence isn't only knowing things... any more than wisdom is merely
information. ~--<--{© M Steed
11 - "Too many learn nothing, because they 'understand' too soon."---<--{©
M Steed
12 - "The opinions of those that matter... matter. The opinions of those
that don't.... don't. " ~ ---<--{© M Steed
13 - "May those who you care for know it. . . and those who care for you
show it. . . " ---<--{© M Steed
14 - "Anything we can't explain becomes 'magic'... when we don't understand
it... and 'science' when we do." ---<--{© M Steed
15 - " I've learned that most listeners are through before most speakers
are." ---<--{© M Steed
16 -" Practice doesn't make Perfect. Perfect Practice makes Perfect."---<--{©
M Steed
17 - "Communication with only one participant... isn't." ---<--{©
M Steed
18 - "What our mind creates, Our soul believes." ~ ---<--{©
M Steed
19 - "Scars tell the stories of our lives." ---<--{© M Steed
20 - ~"Real Things Return" ~---<--{© M Steed
21 - "People see things their way,. until you show them yours."---<--{©
M Steed
22 - "Healing begins, only when you stop bludgeoning yourself with 'shoulds'"
---<--{© M Steed
23 - "Do good things, get good things. Do bad things, get bad things. .
. but not always." - ---<--{© M Steed
24 - -"Forward, is forward. . . no matter how small." ---<--{©
M Steed
25 - "Sometimes it isn't about what is being said, but who is saying it
and why they feel they need to. "---<--{© M Steed
26 - -"Life isn't measured in what we do, or do not do, but who we are
becoming. .. "---<--{© M Steed
27 - Those who can speak, but don't. Those who can read, but do not, and those
who have talent, and share not, are no better off than the dumb, the illiterate
or the fool.
---<--{© M Steed
28 - We don't overcome temptation, we simply decide not to be overcome. . .
by it. ---<--{© M Steed
29 -
Love... is but an action of loving, with delicate words only the tips of strong
branches of service and the thick immobile trunk of trust. . .
---<--{© M Steed
30 - In our silence we speak. Beware that what is understood is what we intended
to say. ---<--{© M Steed
31 - With no expectations, comes a lack of intimacy. That is the nature of the
beast. With intimacy, comes vulnerability... and expectations. ---<--{©
M Steed
32 - Search for the innocence in the crazy things I do and I'll remember the
innocence in you.
---<--{© M Steed
33 - Writers read; Reader's appreciated and Input adored. ---<--{© M
34 - Who you are does not come from what you do, or even what others think of
you, but what you know of yourself---<--{© M Steed
35 - Life isn't a test. . . . It is a puzzle! ---<--{© M Steed ((There
is always someone who hides one piece, and some get dropped on the floor...
and others lost in a sea of pieces not yet sorted through, or. . . sorted through
and missed.
*My Quotes 2
36 - Life moves too swiftly at times, tomorrow comes before we are finished
with today. ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
37 - We don't pray to God inform Him of anything He doesn't already know, we
pray so that we can know, what we already know. . .---<--{ © Marsha
38 - Sometimes the hand of God. . . is one half the size of our own.---<--{
© Marsha Steed
39 -Hurt comes from hurting
**My Quotes 2
36 - Life moves too swiftly at times, tomorrow comes before we are finished
with today.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
37 - We don't pray to God inform Him of anything He doesn't already know, we pray so that we can know, what we already know. . .---<--{ © Marsha Steed
38 - Sometimes the hand of God. . . is one half the size of our own.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
39 -Hurt comes from hurting.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
40 - Getting what you want is not the same as getting what you need.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
41-People don't say what needs to be said, they say what they want to be heard. --<--{ © Marsha Steed
42 - Everyone is average to someone. . . and everyone is astonishing to someone. ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
43 - Those who fear, accuse. ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
44 - Honey, as long as I'm alive, no one has seen my best because it ain't
been produced yet. . . . . . .
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
45 - Some things say more when they aren't said
---<--{© Marsha Steed
46 -Fear = False Expectations of Assumed Reality
---<--{© Marsha Steed
47 - In a world of "today" . . . 'Always' is precious.
---<--{© Marsha Steed
48 -Everything looks different through the telescope of time.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
49 what we 'make' time for is more revealing than what we 'wish' we had time for.- ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
50- Smother me not in the thick woolen blanket of disinterest, but lullaby
me, enfolded in a tenderly stitched quilt of "more"
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
51 ~ A place that doesn't intersect, can't connect its thread bearers.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
51- There is power also in stillness. Anticipation along with repose. It is
a rare moment when spirit and nature slip instead of collide into a day.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
52- Honor, integrity fully dressed.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
53- The realization that I do not know. . . what I do not know, for most of
us is a lot. . . but for those who seek wisdom. . . is more.
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
54- Don't 'correlate' yourselves into a corner. ( don't mistake the scaffolding for the soul - lds leader) ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
55- "When" . . . is just about as sad as, "I should have''
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
56 - People don't want to be fixed. They only want to be understood, and allowed to feel. ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
57 - "You dream. . . what your soul hungers for. Hunger doesn't go away
by starvation."
---<--{© Marsha Steed
58- "Can you be held accountable for what you can't remember, or what
you can not forget?"
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
59 ~ "Humor is when all laugh, not just those looking in." ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
60~ "Your attitude is about the only thing you are entirely in charge of. ---<--{ © Marsha Steed
61 - "I"m an optimistic pessimist. I plan for the worst and hope
for the best."
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
62 - "Mercurial is she, who finds herself a liquid in life's measured
chalice. "
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
63 - "Words from one set of lips don't mean the same as the exact words
from another set."
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
64 - "Offer first what you believe you want most. You may not get it, but
in the offering you'll soon know if that is truly what you desire."
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
65 - "Perfection doesn't mean flawless. . . just complete. . . You can
be complete, and not finished. "---<--{ © Marsha Steed
66 - "allow each moment to dictate itself, under a foundation of personal
ideals and integrity."---<--{ © Marsha Steed
67 - "There is no surprise there is contention in the world, the miracle
is that men are kind and generous in a world of self indulgence and discontent."
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
68 - "Don't let busyness steal your joy."
---<--{ © Marsha Steed
69 - I've found that most 'change' is nothing more than an unveiling of what
already was. --<--{ © Marsha Steed
70 - I've learned that sometimes when you let go, your connection grows tighter.
**My Quotes 3
71 - On Pain - When you are hurting, it seems that nothing can fill your empty cup. Pain comes with loving, I've learned that. Separation is one of the hardest things there is, when it comes to those we care for. Still. . . it is also true that without the depth of that caring, there would be no pain. Like you I imagine, I'll take the pain and be grateful for the loving that deepened it. - MSteed 7/2003
72 - Funny how your own space has a way of making peace accessible. ~MSteed
73 - The Fortunate soul is born rich. The Joyfilled soul is born poor, and finds
richness in it. ---<--{@MSteed
74 - Marsha: the best sermon is one that someone gives themselves. The best
preacher, is one who can inspire that.---<--{@MSteed
75 - When I feel. . . I write. When I think, I write. . . I write a lot.
76 - Everything we do matters. . . I expect it is just a question of to what degree. . . and in what way.
77 - Emptying and stillness are as much a part of being as is the doing. ---<--{@.MSteed
78 - “My conclusion is simply that it is not a single principle or any
simple answer at all that makes or breaks a life. It is only determination to
rise from every fall, and to keep believing that you will.”
(Maureen, If only the law of chastity......, . ---<--{@MSteed
79 - I only know, . . . that I can not understand another's pain, I can only feel with them, the measure of its echoes.---<--{@MSteed
80 - Success doesn't come to those who CAN, it comes to those who DO. ---<--{@.MSteed
81 - Life isn't perfect, but it is an adventure. ---<--{@MSteed
"Nice' is not necessarily the same as 'Good". ---<--{@MSteed
82 - Perhaps, the candle that burns the
brightest, goes dim as quickly. ---<--{@.MSteed
83 - Sometimes opening your eyes is the best way to see again. ---<--{@MSteed
84 - I've found that it is easier to have no shoes. . . if you have someone willing to simply say, "Yes, it really is difficult without shoes." It changes nothing, but yet. . . everything. You know? ---<--{@MSteed
85 - Truth is left by the wayside by 'knowledge'. ---<--{@MSteed
86 - Seeing. . . is the beginning to understanding.
87 - Understanding, is the beginning of communication.
88 - Communication is the beginning of change. --<--{@MSteed
89 - Appreciating something makes it magical. People or things. --<--{@MSteed
90 - If we could only get past what we ARE NOT. . . we may actually smile at how very much we ARE. --<--{@MSteed
91 - Longing for something isn't a bad thing in my understanding. Only when that longing keeps you from enjoying the beauty and joy that you DO have, does it become a stumbling block. --<--{@MSteed
92 - If you count the delights instead of the irritations, you get joy instead of aggrevation. --<--{@MSteed
93 - It is my humble opinion. . . that the Lord works with our willingness. If we are willing to listen and to act on whatever it is that HE sees as good for us, more of it will come to us. If we are not. . . like myself as a parent. . . I pretty much pull back until my child is willing to listen to what I've already given him. --<--{@MSteed
94 - The only true sins are the ones you don't repent of. --<--{@MSteed